Become a WPGC Sponsor

The sponsorship recognition's are designed to give sponsors maximum visibility and access to the planned giving professionals in the Pacific Northwest.

We would appreciate being able to include your company in our premier list of sponsors. To become a sponsor, please complete the application linked below. If you have any questions, please email

Planned Giving Day Conference Sponsorship Opportunities

Planned Giving Day, WPGC’s Annual Conference, gives our sponsors an unparalleled opportunity to reach decision-makers in charitable organizations from across the Pacific Northwest. Last year, our Conference and Professional Achievement Luncheon drew more than 180 attendees, most of whom hold positions of authority in their organizations – as board members, executive directors, or directors or managers of planned and major gifts. Attendees also include allied professionals, consisting of attorneys, accountants, and bankers.

The 2019 Conference will be held at the Conference Center in downtown Seattle’s Washington State Convention Center. This location – new in 2012 - was well received by sponsors and attendees alike for its convenient location and professional facility, with a floor plan that offers high-visibility and access to sponsor display tables. More information on the 2019 Conference coming soon.

Conference Sponsor: $4,000 (limit two)

Our Conference Sponsors receive recognition equal to their status as our most important supporters, including:

  • An opportunity to briefly share information about the sponsoring institution and introduce a speaker at a plenary session

  • High-visibility placement of logo in Conference materials and signage, and on the WPGC website, a full-page advertisement in the Conference booklet, and a central display table at the Conference. Sponsors who confirm before the end of the calendar year will also be included in the conference promotional brochure

  • Two complimentary registrations for the Conference (including 2 tickets for the luncheon)

  • One complimentary registration at each of our monthly luncheons

Professional Achievement Luncheon Sponsor: $2,500

In 2012, the WPGC hosted its inaugural Washington Planned Giving Council Professional Achievement Award in Gift Planning. The recipient, selected for his or her lifetime contributions to the gift planning profession, will be honored at a special lunch at the 2015 Annual Conference. Past honorees include Frank Minton (2012), Roger Schoenhals (2013), Ed Larson (2014), and Anne Knapp (2015).

Our Professional Achievement Luncheon Sponsors receive:

  • Special thanks from the podium at the lunch

  • Prominent mention in printed materials about the lunch

  • A display table at the Annual Conference, a half-page advertisement in the Conference booklet and corporate logo on the WPGC website. Sponsors who confirmed before the end of the calendar year will also be included in the conference promotional brochure

  • Two complimentary registrations for the Conference (including 2 tickets for the luncheon)

Conference Track Sponsor: $2,000

The WPGC Conference Committee works hard to assemble planned giving experts to help our attendees build and strengthen their planned giving program. The 2016 Conference is organized into three tracks – Specialist, Generalist, and Introductory - and this year we are offering the opportunity to sponsor a track. Each Conference Track Sponsor will receive:

  • Prominent mention in Conference promotional materials and on signage

  • An opportunity to briefly share information about the sponsoring organization and introduce a speaker

  • A display table at the Conference

  • Half page advertisement in the Conference booklet. Sponsors who confirmed before the end of the calendar year will also be included in the conference promotional brochure

  • Corporate logo on the WPGC website

  • Two complimentary registrations for the Conference (including 2 tickets for the luncheon)

Specialist Track: The Specialist Track is for the fundraising professional whose primary focus is planned giving and will explore more complex gift planning concepts in detail.

Generalist Track: The Generalist Track is for the fundraising professional who wears a number of hats and wants to learn more about creating a successful planned giving program.

Introductory Track: The Introductory Track is for those who are new to the profession and want to learn about gift planning basics.

WPGC Sustaining Sponsor: $1,500

Our Sustaining Sponsor level offers an opportunity to position yourself in front of conference attendees who hold positions of authority in their organizations – as board members, executive directors, or directors or managers of planned and major gifts – as well as allied professionals, consisting of attorneys, accountants, and bankers

Our WPGC Sustaining Sponsors receive:

Conference recognition:

  • A display table at the Annual Conference

  • Acknowledgment in Conference materials and signage

  • Quarter page advertisement in the Conference booklet. Sponsors who confirmed before the end of the calendar year will also be included in the conference promotional brochure

  • Corporate logo on the WPGC website

  • Two complimentary registrations for the Conference (including 2 tickets for the luncheon).

WPGC Monthly Luncheon Sponsorship Opportunities

Single Monthly Luncheon Sponsor: $1,500

Our Monthly Luncheon Sponsor level offers a wonderful opportunity to reach decision-makers in development offices throughout the Greater Seattle area. The WPGC luncheons typically draw 50-80 participants, including planned and major gifts officers, and allied professionals

Monthly Luncheon recognition:

  • Recognition in their month’s luncheon registration email

  • The opportunity to briefly describe their organization and introduce the featured luncheon speaker

  • Quarter page advertisement in the Conference booklet

  • Corporate logo on the WPGC website

  • Complimentary luncheon registration at one WPGC monthly meeting for sponsor representative

WPGC Supporting Sponsor: $500

The WPGC provides a variety of programs and resources to its members and the larger estate planning community, including monthly luncheon programs, the annual Planned Giving Day conference, networking and mentorship opportunities, a job board and more. Supporting Sponsors provide vital funding for all of the WPGC’s ongoing programmatic and outreach efforts.
Each Supporting Sponsor will receive:

  • Corporate logo included on the WPGC website

  • Quarter page advertisement in the Conference booklet. Sponsors who confirm before the end of the calendar year will also be included in the conference promotional brochure

  • Acknowledgment in Conference promotional materials