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March Luncheon: WPGC Luncheon: The SECURE Act

Session Description:

The SECURE Act, which was signed into law late last year, effective 1/1/2020, has made some important changes to the treatment of retirement account assets, particularly for those who will have IRA assets at death. To a large degree, these changes make it less attractive for donors to leave significant retirement account assets to their children or grandchildren, which means that charities may be a more attractive option. Come learn about the SECURE Act and its potential impacts on your donors and get prepared to talk to your donors about them.

Speaker Bios: 

John Creahan


John is the founder of Cairn Law, a Seattle law firm serving the legal needs of families, individuals, businesses, and nonprofits throughout Washington. He provides practical and cost-effective legal services related to estate planning, probate, charitable gift planning, and business transition. 

John provides thoughtful counseling around the sometimes-difficult decisions individuals and families face when planning their estate, or after a loved one passes away. He helps clients analyze their needs and find the right balance between their needs, their desire for simplicity, and cost. 

John prepares wills, trusts, powers of attorney, and health care documents for clients of all wealth levels, utilizing basic and sophisticated tax planning tools to help individuals and couples plan for the efficient transfer of their wealth. 

Charitable planning is an important part of John’s practice. He works with individuals and families to plan charitable bequests and lifetime gifts, and to create and manage charitable trusts, private foundations, and public charities. Working on behalf of donors and charitable beneficiaries, he has planned and implemented a wide variety of charitable gift strategies, from simple gifts and bequests, to more sophisticated tools, including charitable remainder and charitable lead trusts. 

John helps families, fiduciaries, and charities navigate the probate process after a death. He counsels fiduciaries on the most practical and efficient ways to manage the probate process. 

Jennifer Becker Harris


Jennifer is a tax shareholder with Clark Nuber in Bellevue, Washington, where she specializes in tax-exempt organizations. She is a leader in Clark Nuber’s Not-for-Profit and International Niches. Her practice primarily focuses on consulting and compliance for public charities, private foundations, and social welfare organizations including international matters, alternative investments, unrelated business income tax, fundraising events, commercial co-venturers, corporate governance and IRS controversy. In addition, she assists individuals with charitable gift planning. Jennifer is a co-author and editor of the Form 990 Compliance GuidePrivate Foundation Handbook and Compliance GuideTax Cuts and Jobs Act Impact Guide to Exempt Organizations, by Clark Nuber and published by CCH, a Wolters Kluwer business. She is a frequent speaker on exempt organization and charitable giving matters with the AICPA, state societies and other professional groups.

She is a graduate of Washington State University and holds a master’s degree in Taxation from Golden Gate University. Jennifer is a member of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) and Washington Society of Certified Public Accountants (WSCPA). She is the incoming Chair of the AICPA’s Exempt Organizations Taxation Technical Resource Panel and participates in exempt organization advocacy with TE/GE Council through its Program Committee. Jennifer is native to Washington State, where she lives with her husband, Matt, and three kids, Will, Josh and Vivienne.

Lunch Menu

Jackson Square Salad with tomato, bacon, egg, avocado and roasted chicken. Served with a roll and assorted cookies.

Location: Women’s University Club 1105 Sixth Avenue Seattle, WA 98101-3011

Time: March 9th, 2020 11:30 AM - 1:30 PM